Monday, March 21, 2011

Not All Hiccups in NASCAR Are Bad

I have been a die-hard Jeff Gordon fan my entire life. He was the first and only NASCAR driver I have ever cheered for. When I was younger, every time I saw something with a yellow number 24 on it, I would ask my mom or dad to buy it for me. My collection started when I was about six and I got my first Jeff Gordon shirt. Then came a Jeff Gordon stuffed doll and a pack of trading cards. Now, thirteen years later, I own over 100 Jeff Gordon collectibles. I even got a lug-nut off his #24 DuPont Chevrolet in 2003 when it was at local Wal-Mart. That was the closest I thought I would ever be to Jeff Gordon.
As odd as this sounds, I had my world changed on February 27th, 2011. For the first time in almost two years, I woke up with hiccups. At first, I did not think about it. Then I remember it was Raceday and what happened last time I had them. Honestly, I had to look in my diary to remember for sure, but then I decided I would let the NASCAR fans, especially the Jeff Gordon fans, on Twitter know I had hiccups and what happened last time I did.
I tweeted that morning “Good Morning race fans, I have the hiccups. Jeff Gordon is going to win today. Last time I woke up with the hiccups, Jeff Gordon won at Texas (April 2009) and the four times before that, he won those four races.”
I honestly did not think that Jeff Gordon would even see this tweet. I also did not expect him to win because I figured by saying that I had hiccups, I jinxed them. However, he did saw it and he did win. I was going crazy when he won. I was jumping up and down telling my sisters that I was right. I told them he would win. They thought I was insane actually. Then I went on my Twitter and saw at least twenty-five tweets about Jeff Gordon mentioning my hiccups to someone and saw that Drive to End Hunger tweeted that Jeff said “Someone on twitter-don’t know who- said she had the hiccups, first time since tx win-so she knew itd happen. Wow!” I was just shocked to learn he read my tweet. Out of everyone who tweets him, he saw mine. It was a dream come true for me.
The dream did not end there. He mentioned me on numerous interviews he did such as, Sirius NASCAR Radio after the race, PRN’s Fast Talk, even Jay Leno!!!!! I seriously want numb after that mention on Leno. I could not believe he mention my “Lucky Hiccups” on Leno! I am still shocked about it. I even got to do interviews with Sirius NASCAR Radio and NASCAR Now on ESPN. Who would have thought a girl from a small town in Pennsylvania would have this happen to them.
I appreciate all the support from Jeff Gordon fans I have been getting. I even have fans asking me on racedays if I have any hiccups. I tell them the truth which has been a no, but I do not want to lie to them. If I have them, great, but if I don’t I do not want to lie and say I do. I also have told fans that I will not force them. They need to come on their own. If I force them, they will not be lucky… not to me at least.
I have started a “Must Meet Jeff” campaign on Twitter and Facebook. The twitter campaign is using the hash tag #MustMeetJeff and you can find the Facebook page “Hiccup Girl’ Must Meet Jeff.” I have been trying to meet Jeff Gordon for seventeen years, and I am only nineteen. I am hoping that I get to meet him someday. I have had a number of chances to meet him, but I have had to give them up, including twice last year for deaths in my family. I even entered the National Guard’s Facebook contest last year 1700 times to win a chance of a life time. I’ll admit I cried for a couple of days when I did not win that contest.
I am hoping to get the hiccups a lot this year, but for now, I am just enjoying this dream that God is allowing me to live. I have faith that this may be the year I meet my hero. I will not stop trying to meet him until I do. One thing Jeff Gordon has taught me is to chase my dreams and follow my heart. That is what I am going to do. I will Refuse to Lose!!!!

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