Monday, March 21, 2011

Why I Think Danica Does Not Belong in NASCAR

     Danica Patrick made NASCAR headlines last year when she made the move to stock cars from Indy. Some NASCAR fans welcomed her to the sport. Others, like myself, think she should have stayed in Indy.
     I think Danica Patrick does not belong in NASCAR. Yes, I know that other drivers have made the move, but how many of them have actually been successful? Also, what is with the “Go Daddy” commercials?!?! The way she acts in those make women look like objects. She makes it seem like you should go to the site to check women out… IT’S SICK!!!!! I also think she does not know what she is talking about half the time. Take Saturday for instance when she complained Ryan Truex was racing her too hard. HELLO?!?! IT’S BRISTOL!!!!! All drivers race that way, and he did not do anything to her. I was surprised he took the blame for that. Danica Patrick complains too much. I think she is worse than Kyle Busch and Jeff Gordon were said to be.
     The main reason I do not like Danica Patrick is because I feel as if she does not have a passion for NASCAR or stock cars. She came over to NASCAR because Indy was not talking about her. I think she just wanted the attention and her name in the sports headlines again.
     I am also sick of the media always following her around the NASCAR garage like she is the only driver there. They will mention her name or get interviews with her but what about drivers like Ryan Truex or even Mike, Kenny and Stephen Wallace?? You rarely hear about them.
     I would feel differently about her being in NASCAR if she would stop complaining about everything and actually take blame for things. She does. She does not belong in NASCAR in my opinion. She needs to stay in Indy and not be in NASCAR. NASCAR is for drivers who have a passion for it. Not to give yourself or even the Indy Racing Series attention.

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